The 9 types
T Y P E 2
Thet helpful person
As a Type 2, you are approachable and helpful, taking pride in anticipating what others need.
You are attentive to the needs and feelings of others and may find it difficult to tune into your own needs. It can feel both shameful and self-centered to acknowledge and take care of your own needs. Therefore, you often shift the conversation towards the person you're speaking with, focusing on what they need and how you can help.
For you, there is nothing more meaningful than helping others. You feel valued when you are there for others.
You are excellent at lifting and supporting others in what they want to achieve. You are the ever-loving, solid support.
Unless others forget to acknowledge all that you do, and you feel taken for granted – then they will surely feel your anger.
Could you be a Type 2? Or perhaps you know someone who is?