The 9 types
T Y P E 1
The good person
As a Type 1, you are a helpful and proper person with high morals and ethics.
You set high standards for yourself and others, but most of all for yourself. You want to perfect the world, and therefore, you must lead the way.
This sense of duty and industriousness comes from the desire to be a good person who makes the world a better place for us all.
As a Type 1, you have a strong inner critic and cannot stand mistakes in your tasks. You get frustrated with low standards and carelessness.
You often take the lead in showing how things should be done right. You might come across as critical or instructive, but it's meant as a kind service.
You’re not always great at tuning into your own needs or body because you focus on doing what needs to be done before attending to what you might actually want. You master self-discipline to a high degree.
Can you recognize the Type 1 in yourself? Or perhaps you know someone who is like this?