Lectures & Workshops 

Lectures and Workshops on Personality Types

I conduct lectures, workshops, and development programs for businesses based on the Enneagram.

Customized Lectures for Your Company

I can tailor the lecture to fit your needs. Whether it's an inspirational session for a development day, the kickoff for a longer program, or something entirely different, I will adapt the content to suit your goals.

Contact me for a conversation about your wishes and needs.

L E C T U R E S & W O R K S H O P S

Learn More About Yourself and Your Behavior with the Enneagram

I introduce you to the toolbox of insights, concepts, and strategies that an Enneagram-based development program consists of. You will gain a shared vocabulary where the Enneagram becomes a common reference point, helping you understand why the nine types think, feel, and act as they do.

I tailor workshops and lectures to your needs, but the following are commonly used themes:

  • Core fears, body language, speech styles, and general characteristics

  • Social styles

  • Conflict styles

  • Reactions under pressure

  • Reactions in times of abundance

  • Defense mechanisms

  • Paths to development

  • Communication and feedback styles

  • Control patterns

  • Leadership styles

  • Instincts

  • Strengths and blind spots

This is what the clients say…

"In our ownership group, we have had the pleasure of a program with Karina, where we primarily worked with the Enneagram. Through this, we have highlighted our strengths and weaknesses and gained a deeper understanding of how we work, communicate, and react individually. It has been a great journey, allowing us to build a stronger mutual understanding—not just of each other but also of other people. We now have insight into how and why they, and we, act and react the way we do. We give Karina our warmest recommendations."

P e t e r A n d e r s e n
Direktør i Frede Andersen & Søn A/S