The 9 types


T Y P E 9

The peaceful person

As a Type 9, you want everyone to feel good and comfortable. Why have all those conflicts? They’re unnecessary. You thrive in a pleasant and positive atmosphere.

You are a good listener and pleasant to be around, creating calm just by your presence or by stepping in to mediate conflicts when they arise.

You seek consensus, seeing everyone’s viewpoints, and try to integrate them into a solution that benefits everyone. You tend to put your own needs aside for the sake of others and the harmony within the group.

You thrive in a good atmosphere, so the more others complain, argue, and create conflict, the less you will give them. You shut down.
You like to decide how to solve tasks yourself, so others shouldn’t pressure or stress you. To avoid conflict, you might say yes, but inside you may think, "This isn’t going to happen," and it won’t.
Could this sound like you? Or maybe like someone you know?

Type 8