The 9 types


T Y P E 6

The loyal person

As a Type 6, you are dutiful, attentive, and constantly have an inner dialogue going. You have a special ability to see what is missing and anticipate what might go wrong.

You are naturally skeptical and can easily see hidden agendas and underlying motives. You are not easily fooled.

It gives you peace and security to be ahead of the game, thinking everything through from all perspectives and making a plan based on that. As a result, it can take you a while to make a decision, weighing "on one hand and on the other hand," and you may tend to delay decisions.

You can see many perspectives and often present the opposite perspective of your own or others’. Not because you necessarily hold that view, but to shed light on it from all angles. This can make you come across as critical, or like a "Rasmus Modsat" (a Danish phrase meaning someone who always takes the opposite view).
You are extremely loyal, and once someone is your friend, they have a friend for life.
Could this sound like you? Or someone you know?

Type 5


Type 7